Viral Marketing Strategies You Can Use At Once

By Rob Fore

Perhaps one of the fantasies of some online marketers and businesses is to create a video or piece of content that becomes viral. When a thing like this happens it can add plenty of new visitors to your site. The only real problem with viral marketing is just how unpredictable it can be. It is just about impossible to find out what will strike the fancy of audiences and make them want to share it with the men and women they know. Internet buzz is a very real thing and when it happens to an online site it can be sensational. That does not mean, however, that there are not a few elements that can boost the viral qualities of your online videos. There are quite a few strategies which have been proven to work well repeatedly--all things that are equal when completed correctly.

There are plenty of people online who are happy to do small tasks for a fee. This is something that you can benefit from. The truth is that the only restrictions you have are those of your mind. What some clever entrepreneurs do is use these small armies of individuals to do things like help a promotion turn viral through various social networking sites. It is not tough to determine what is happening with this one. Many online marketers have made use of this to great result and give their new promotions a much needed preliminary momentum.

Contests are huge with people because it is the thought of getting the prize. Way before the internet ever came along, in fact many decades before, people adored contests. This has something to do with the character of human beings: they look for contests and the chance of winning them to be unbelievably exciting. It's a breeze to start a contest of your own and run them through your websites and social media pages and also anywhere else you would like to run them. Just like most things, this offers you the opportunity to be as creative as you would like to be.

Some marketers find ways to sneak through the Facebook system to acquire new fans. They can use contests to get visitors to "like" their pages and status updates. This is very effective, but you have to wonder just how valuable those fans are in the longterm. It's one thing for someone to fan you when they genuinely like the things you publish and say. But if they actually do it because they want to win a sweepstakes, you're going to have questions about that person. Before you use this technique, give it some legitimate and genuine thought and attention.

One particular strategy has worked adequately for years, and it involves giving away something for free. For example, maybe you have written a great ebook or some wonderful software. The viral strategy is to offer to other people for free, and then you let them sell it or give it away. This has been a great way to boost your exposure and establish your list. It does contain a viral component to it, nonetheless it can only be as effective as it is useful.

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